Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Septemeber 9, 2011

September 11, 2001.  This is a day that no one will ever forget.  When you heard about the plane crashes that day, that place became cemented in your memory forever.  While all of us remember this epic day, for Spencer that day rang a little too close for home.  He was at the fire station when the first plane hit.  At first, like the rest of us, he thought it was only a crazy, accidental plane crash.  The truth came out while he was listening to the radio driving home.  He felt like he could relate to the numerous men and woman firefighters, policemen, and other public volunteers working day and night to help combat the disaster as he would have been front and center if it had happened to him.  It was a day he will never forget and gave him a new found sense of gratitude for life and what blessings he has.

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